Archive for March, 2011

7 charts exploring the U.S. housing market – Bank of America bad bank model and leaking out $1 trillion in mortgages over 3 years. 7 million loans non-current in U.S. Option ARMs winning prize for worst performing mortgage product ever.

Double bubble California properties – Mar Vista home sells for less than 1989 peak price and on pace for three lost decades. Culver City condo listed for half of 1989 peak price.

3 trends in the current housing market – Can home prices remain stagnant until 2020? Detroit home prices back to 1994 levels. California all cash buyers at record high.

Rancho Palos Verdes and Palos Verdes Estates welcome the California housing crash – From $1.75 million to $1 million in an elite market. MLS has 1 listed foreclosure yet 200 homes are in some stage of foreclosure in Rancho Palos Verdes. A $4.7 million loan made on a $1.5 million home sale in 2003.

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