Archive for the 'fha loans' Category

The failed mission of the FHA – supporting high home prices when your mission is affordability. Low interest rates are a reflection of a global financial crisis and not a healthy economy.

Will the FHA require a bailout? – 12,000,000 underwater mortgages 3,000,000 are FHA insured loans. 1 million underwater mortgages originated in last two years.

The incoming bailouts for the government mortgage complex and student debt markets – 15 percent of FHA insured loans are 30+ days delinquent. Total first mortgage market fell by $600 billion since 2007 yet government backed mortgages rose by $1.1 trillion.

FHA insured loans have stepped in to fill a gaping void left from low down payment mortgage products. The risk and consequence for this action is now coming home to roost in a dramatic fashion.

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